
The Keys to Sales Success

We interviewed some of the Nationals' gold winners after the January awards ceremony in Las Vegas to learn what they attribute for their success

March 15, 2009

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We interviewed some of the Nationals' gold winners after the January awards ceremony in Las Vegas to learn what they attribute for their success. Listen to Cheryl Byrne; Kelly Kenton Fink (:44); Martin Brady (1:22); Debbie Cosic and Mira Tomljenovic (1:51); and Richard Sackmann (2:14).

2009 Nationals JudgesMary DeWaltMary DeWalt Design Group
Austin, TexasAl DoyleFusion Partners SeattleQuincy Johnson Boca Raton, Fla.Rudy KadlubCosta Pacific Communities
PortlandGaye OrrColdwell Banker Advantage New Homes Raleigh, N.C.Ray Osborne New Home Marketing Network Laguna Hills, Calif.Carol Smith Praxis Real Estate Advisors AtlantaKandance R. HardyNAHB – NSMC Project Specialist Washington, D.C.
Links to Past nationals coverage and related newsHousing Giants//Sales and marketing professionals win gold at 2008 NationalsGiants//Sales and marketing professionals win gold at 2007 NationalsProfessional Builder//2008 National Sales and Marketing Award Winners Professional Builder//2007 National Sales and Marketing Award WinnersCustom Builder//2008 National Sales and Marketing AwardsCustom Builder//2007 Nationals Sales and Marketing AwardsThe Secrets of Home Sales AllstarsThe Green Marketing Manifesto by John Grant

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