HousingZone's articles, surveys, ideas, trends, and tips on safety for residential builders, remodelers, and architects serving the residential construction industry.
OSHA's Preliminary List of 2023's Most Frequently Cited Standards in Violations
Fall-related violations continue to plague the construction industry despite ample free education and resources
Text Mex: Meet ‘em where they are
Would you ever use Twitter to announce your family dinner is being served? Ridiculous question, right? Wait. Hold that answer…. The question was…
The Inverse Golden Rule + 3 CYA tools when working with Hispanics
You know The Golden Rule, right? He who has the gold makes the rules. On the jobsite today, there is an inverse to The Golden Rule: He who has…
“I see dead people” + 3 other common sensibilities
M. Night Shyamalan, the director of The 6th Sense, was opposed to including what has become one of the most memorable movie lines of all-time “I see…
Excuse me, sir…your PowerPoint sucks
Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Guy gets up to give a presentation. Self-deprecating intro. Well-dressed. Strong voice.…
4 tips for the coming labor crunch
A CNN Money article this week elaborated on what many construction firms already know: good labor is now hard to find. Some find this news…
Gordon Gekko and the information imperative.
Yesterday we revisited the information-gathering tactics of The Master of the Senate - Lyndon B. Johnson. But when it…
What LBJ can teach you about the most valuable commodity.
Early in Lyndon Johnson’s senate career, he lobbied for the title of Senate Majority Whip. The more seasoned senators chuckled. Senate…
Do you have Cool Hand Luke Syndrome?
Why has high school Spanish failed so many students? Let’s face it - foreign language failure is acceptable in America today. Yes, I know it’s a…
Spanish Twins: The fastest way to learn Construction Spanish.
1. Metal 2. Material 3. Plan 4. Base 5. Idea 6. Hospital 7. Doctor 8. Vertical 9. …
What's in your vocab? 2 words for a smarter vocabulary.
1. Twitter 2. Gangnam Style 3. Like 4. Gronkowski 5. Angry Birds 6. Linsanity 7. Kardashian 8. …