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How Green Building Can Increase Profit and Lessen Impact

In this Taking Care of Business segment, green builder and designer Steve Pallrand joins our host Duane Johns to talk about the benefits of offering green services, plus how to incorporate green practices into your design process



Custom Builder to Talk Color Design with Becki Owens at IBS

At this year's IBS, renowned designer Becki Owens will sit down with host James McClister, editor of Custom Builder, to discuss a variety of topics from basic color play in design to the Allura Spectrum palette, a collection of Sherwin-Williams colors curated for the benefit of pros


Custom Builders on the Move

Three companies discuss the importance of instituting design studios, cultivating relationships, and offering quality work.


Weathering the extremes with resilient materials

Are severe storms pulling more demand for hardier building materials?


Mark Richardson: Walking the Client

Successful sales and business people know that if you are ever going to achieve success, you have to control the process. Without control you…


Closing the sales fulfillment gap: the missing link in Lean

During Operation Desert Storm in the early 90s, France’s decision to not support the U.S. intervention revived an old joke from the World War II era…


Mark Richardson: What is your end game?

Preparing a path for exiting your business calls for defining what you want your destination to be.


Good experience, good margin

Remodeling and custom home building are similar in that both are ‘high touch’ relationships. Not to say that production home building is not high…


Mark Richardson: Are you a professional?

Defining and articulating what is a professional in remodeling or new construction is tougher than in some other industries.


Buy it now book recommendation: Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

  I’ve been enjoying the Chicago Blackhawks run to the Stanley Cup Finals. I went to a party last week where a friend, Bobby Krueger, owner of…


What I learned at KBIS 2013

Very few industry trade shows exude a raw enthusiasm and excitement like the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show. Last month in New Orleans, the lift in…


Recovery takes a predicted path

Six months ago we asked Bob Toll, the executive chairman of Toll Brothers, how he saw the market recovery playing out. Back then the home building…
